Friday, February 7, 2025

Looking back on 2024


This year there was no shortage of new happenings in the tri-county area. Azle, Springtown, Lake Worth and surrounding areas continue to grow and change at an astounding rate. Longtime community leaders left and new ones stepped in to fill their shoes. New projects were started, and some were completed. 2024 was a year of historic firsts and achieving new heights. To celebrate all that has happened, the Tri-County Reporter has collected some of the year’s most notable stories and will present them, along with a brief synopsis, in two parts, beginning with the first half of the year in approximate chronological order.

Fire Marshal retires

The Azle Fire Department hosted a going-away party in honor of Kenny Wilson, longtime Azle fire marshal, Jan. 2. Wilson joined the department Feb. 10, 2000, and has served as fire marshal since June 3, 2004. Wilson left the role to serve as deputy fire marshal for Tarrant County. Over Wilson’s tenure, he investigated countless fires and helped educate a generation of Azleites about fire safety. Melvin Wilson, no relation, was hired as the new fire marshal by the city Sept. 23.


Springtown City Administrator David Miller won the Jan. 3 runoff election for Tri-County Electric Cooperative's District 4. Miller unseated longtime board member Jerry Walden. Miller ran on a platform of transparency, term limits and audits. His campaign was driven by concerns over the co-op’s closed board meetings and the impact of the Brazos Financing Utility Plan Rider which raised electric bills. Miller’s victory was supported by grassroots efforts and he aims to improve communication plus bring fresh perspectives to the board.

Community caring center begins major expansion

The Community Caring Center began laying foundations for the future in January last year. The nonprofit began construction on a new 3,800 square-foot cooler and freezer space as the second part of a three-phase expansion. The $1 million campaign is expected to be in use by January 2025. The new freezer and cooler will allow the CCC to better utilize the space and serve the increasing number of community members who rely on its resources.

No day like a snow day

Cold temperatures left a light dusting of snow on Monday, Jan. 15, as temperatures dropped to 10° F throughout the tri-county area.

Sain named athletic director

Michael Sain was named athletic director for the Azle Independent School District during a meeting of the district’s board of trustees Monday, Jan. 22. Sain replaced Becky Spurlock, who retired at the end of the school year. Spurlock had been with AISD for eight years and in education for 41. Sain came to Azle after having been the assistant athletic director in Prosper since March 2020. He is a third-generation educator and has worked in education for 18 years.


A local water park’s fate was decided after the Springtown City Council voted during its Jan. 25 meeting to permanently close and demolish the city’s splash pad. Built in 2013 without a recirculatory system, the splash pad wasted large amounts of water, leading to high costs for the city. Council members discussed options such as turning it into a fountain park or adding features like pickleball courts or a community garden. However, the cost of maintaining a water feature was the council’s biggest concern and all agreed that demolition was the best option.

azle man arrested in Tarrant’s first fentanyl murder

Kaeden Farish, a 19-year-old Azle resident, was among the first Texans to be arrested for murder under a new Texas law Feb. 2. The prior year’s House Bill 6 created a new penalty in instances where supplying fentanyl to an individual results in their death. Texas is just one of the more than 30 states that now have laws in place connecting narcotics distribution and homicide. Police reported Farish sold fentanyl-laced “benzo-dope” pills to 17-year-old Bedford resident Dustin Anderton prior to his Jan. 21 overdose death. On Tuesday, Oct. 22, Farish pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to 19 years in a Texas penitentiary.

Local young drag racer named junior sportsman champion

Paradise dragway racer Lane Swift, 9, won the 2024 award for Junior Sportsman Champion at the Feb. 3 Ardmore Dragway Racer appreciation banquet in Sulphur, Oklahoma. Swift had the most points in the 6- to 9-year-old division. He received a trophy, a jacket with his name embroidered on it, a hat and a $500 check. He also won a gold card, which covers all entry fees in 2024 at Ardmore Dragway and is estimated to be valued at about $300 to $350.


On Feb. 20, a new Starbucks opened in Springtown, located on State Highway 199 at Westover Lane. The store features café seating, an outdoor patio and a drive-thru. The Springtown City Council approved the site plan in late 2022 with the building to be around 2,200 square feet, including parking spots. The location, just south of SH 199 and west of Walnut Creek Veterinary Hospital, aims to better serve Springtown through coffee and community.

Hornet Academy tops records with February graduation

Since 2008, Azle ISD has allowed individuals without a high school diploma a second chance at graduation. The February 2024 graduating class was the academy’s largest to date, with 52 students at the Feb. 26 ceremony. In its 16 years, Hornet Academy has graduated around 800 students.


In January, Springtown Cub Scouts Pack 22 and Scouts BSA Troops 22B (boys) and 22G (girls) temporarily closed operations due to a shortage of adult leaders. The units were unable to recharter after running out of leaders, and members are encouraged to join other units or become lone scouts. Some parents, like Kay Hunnicutt, are seeking different troops for their kids while others, like Christy Stegman, are continuing as lone scouts.


The Reno City Council approved a new ordinance in late February regulating fireworks use in the city. Fireworks can be discharged from June 24 to July 5 for the Fourth of July, Dec. 20 to Jan. 1 for the New Year holiday and other specific holidays. The ordinance permits fireworks from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Sundays with extended hours New Year’s Eve and July 4. Sky lanterns and bottle rockets are banned in the city in accordance with state laws. The council voted 4 to 3, passing the ordinance, but some members expressed worry over limiting citizens' rights.


In March, Leighann Strickland announced her retirement from coaching. Strickland spent 21 years at Springtown High School and 17 years as the head volleyball coach. While she remained at SHS as a full-time teacher, she stepped down from coaching to focus on her family. SHS Principal Melissa Hutchison and Athletic Director Brian Hulett thanked Strickland for her impact on the program.


Kim Ware, publisher of the Tri-County Reporter, was named 2024 president of the Springtown Area Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors. In March, Ware replaced Jennifer Conway, who stepped down after three years due to schedule conflicts and other commitments in Weatherford.

Rogers and Hardy get primaried

Primary Election Day, March 5, revealed a couple of big upsets in local races. Incumbent State Rep. Glenn Rogers was defeated by challenger Mike Olcott in the race for Texas House of Representatives District 60, which covers Parker, Palo Pinto and Stephens counties. Olcott’s victory was resounding as he won with more than 63% of the vote. Rogers had held the seat since 2021. The other upset from Super Tuesday took place in the race for State Board of Education District 11, which includes all of Parker, Hood and Somervell counties, part of Tarrant and Johnson counties and just a smidge of Dallas County. Springtown pastor Brandon Hall defeated longtime board member Patricia “Pat” Hardy by just over 53% of the vote. Both Olcott and Hall went on to win their races in the November general election.

Integrated Machinery Solutions finishes work on Kings Bay project

IMS in Azle finished and shipped off mechanisms critical to national security March 8. Two 120-ton, custom-built, overhead hoists left the facility for Explosive Handling Wharf One or EHW-1 at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay on the Georgia-Florida border. The Azle-built machines are now used to load or unload nuclear ordnance into submarines waiting in the drydock’s water below. Kings Bay is a critical location for America’s nuclear arsenal and military infrastructure on the East Coast. The base’s previous equipment was built around 1970 during the height of the Cold War. The machine built by IMS is not expected to need replacing for another 50 years.

Azle man sentenced to 60 years

Azle resident Donald Read was sentenced to 60 years in prison after a felony conviction hearing March 20. Read has been arrested for driving while under the influence six separate times since 1988.

Read, age 64, has previously been booked by local police for marijuana possession, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, unlawfully carrying a weapon and driving with a suspended license. The 60-year sentence was issued after Read’s most recent DWI and arrest by Azle Police officers which occurred August 25, 2023. In Texas, DWIs are classified as misdemeanors until the third repeated instance.


Eight students graduated from Springtown ISD's Porcupine Academy. The first graduating class included Nico Bonfiglio, Landen Earle, Breckin Norris, Gracie Roberts, Skylar Hewitt, Savanna Bandy, Angelina Ray and Katrina Ray. Six of the graduates attended the March 25 ceremony. Principal Andrew Horis praised the graduates for their hard work and dedication. SISD Superintendent Shane Strickland celebrated the success of the academy, which gives students the opportunity to graduate at their own pace.

The FeedLot

On March 29, the city opened its long-anticipated food truck park at 225 Church St. Dubbed “The FeedLot,” the park now serves as a space for people to eat and socialize in a casual outdoor setting. The city of Azle has been planning the major undertaking since spring of 2023. During its debut, the site ran out of parking before its 5 p.m. opening time, with cars lining up and down Church Street and in the nearby First Methodist Church Azle parking lot. Community Link Mission approached the City of Azle in January with a proposal to include a farmers market at the venue which the nonprofit now manages. The Azle Farmers Market became a regular feature of The FeedLot starting June 1.


Azle and surrounding areas experienced a near total eclipse April 8. Local schools and the Azle Memorial Library hosted viewing parties where residents experienced dusky darkness at about 1:40 p.m.

Azle 4-H adds second hive to Azle Community Garden

In early April, members of the Azle 4-H bee program added an additional hive to the local community garden. The group’s initial intention was to replace its old hive, which was believed to possibly be dying; upon further inspection, the hive was found to be healthier than expected. The decision was made to introduce the recently acquired new queen into a nearby additional hive.

Wings Over Cowtown Airshow returns to NAS JRB

For the first time in eight years, the Navy’s famed Blue Angels graced the skies over the Azle and Lake Worth areas. The 2024 Wings Over Cowtown Airshow was held April 13-14 at the nearby Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Westworth Village.


On April 15, Springtown High School Coach Raul Guerrero completed the 2024 Boston Marathon. Guerrero worked his way up to marathons and qualified for the prestigious Boston race with a time of 2:46 in the 2023 Austin Marathon. Guerrero finished in just under three hours, nearly an hour faster than the average time. He was welcomed home by proud family, friends and students. Guerrero hopes to run more major marathons in New York and Tokyo.

Hospital auxiliary celebrates 50 years of service

For half a century, dedicated auxiliary volunteers have helped serve Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Azle. While the auxiliary was founded Feb. 27, 1974, the group celebrated its 50th anniversary during an April 19 meeting. Longtime auxiliary members spoke and were thanked by hospital staff at First Methodist Church in Azle.


Springtown Elementary School Principal Pearl Russell retired in May after a decade long career in education. Russell started teaching at Watson Elementary and later moved to Springtown Elementary, where she became principal around 2011. Assistant Principal Amberlie Thomas was named principal upon Russell’s retirement.


In the May 4 election, Mark Green and Bill Roesicke won the two spots for the Walnut Creek Special Utility District board of directors. Following the decisions of Vice President Al Garrett and Frank Henderson not to seek re-election, Green received 180 votes while Roesicke received 146 votes.

Local pastor wins seat on AISD board

With the retirement of former Azle ISD superintendent and trustee member Ray Lea, families within the district were guaranteed to see a new face in office after May 4 elections. Former educator and stay-at-home mom Kelsey Massey and Merge Community Church Pastor Brandon Geary faced off for Lea’s open seat. Geary won the seat handily and continues to serve on the district’s school board.

Parker and Tarrant residents elect new tax appraisers

In a historic first, Parker and Tarrant County residents had the chance to elect new directors to their respective tax appraisal districts. Previously, these boards were composed of five members elected by local taxing entities like cities and school districts and an elected tax-assessor collector. After the passage of November’s Proposition 4, three new members were elected by popular vote during the May 4 election to appraisal districts in counties exceeding a population of 75,000. During the recent election for the Tarrant Appraisal District, Eric Morris, a Haltom City council member, won the race for Place 1 with 53.9% of the vote. TAD’s Place 2 was won by Colleyville’s Mayor Pro-Tem Callie Rigney with 62.15% of the vote. Real estate investor Matt Bryant narrowly avoided a runoff election for the TAD Place 3 seat with 50.50% of the vote.

In Parker County, Donna Dickinson ran for the uncontested Tax Appraisal District Place 1 and won unanimously. William S. Shatford ran for the uncontested PCAD Place 2 and won unanimously. Joe Tison won the PCAD Place 3 seat with 66.63% of the vote against Monica Grizzard.


A sewer leak occurred in Springtown May 6 after heavy rainfall caused stormwater debris, including a large tree, to break a wastewater transmission main. The leak, which discharged an estimated 350,000 gallons of wastewater into Browders Creek, was discovered and repaired the same day. City officials said the leak would not impact the city’s water supply, as the supply is located 13 miles east. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality issued guidelines for those with wells within a half-mile of the spill to boil water and advised people to avoid contact with contaminated water or soil.


A Reno man pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography, aggravated assault of a public servant and tampering with evidence. In October 2022, Reno officers arrested Steven Harsch, who was accused of possessing several hundred child pornography images that were found on his phone. While executing a search warrant at Harsch’s home, Harsch pointed his gun at officers after they knocked down Harsch’s door after no answer. Thankfully, Harsch did not fire his gun and officers were able to disarm and arrest him.

Longtime AHS auto teacher retires

On May 23, the same day as the Azle ISD’s retirement and awards ceremony, Azle High School auto tech teacher of 39 years Robert Herring sent an email to all his colleagues at AHS announcing he would not be returning to the school in the fall. The beloved auto tech teacher sent in his resignation unexpectedly after being urged by his doctor to slow down and take care of himself amid unforeseen health issues. Herring said walking away from his career is the hardest thing he has ever had to do, but he believes it’s a necessary step in God’s plan and his recovery.


A tragic crash May 26 on FM Road 51 resulted in the deaths of two children and two adults. A white Subaru Legacy, driven by 29-year-old Kathryn Lain of Boyd, traveled into the wrong lane and collided head-on with a black Ford F-150. Lain and three passengers in the Ford, two 9-year-old girls and 66-year-old Gregory Schilb, all from Springtown, died in the crash. The only survivor was 43-year-old Autumn Reed, who was seriously injured and taken to Harris Methodist Hospital.

Local police officer receives community support amid cancer battle

Through local fundraisers and efforts online, the Azle Police Department is helping raise money for a cherished officer with cancer. In one fundraiser June 1 at the Azle Walmart, community members donated more than $8,000 to help offset Officer Jason Castro’s medical and living expenses — an amount matched by a generous, anonymous donor.

Murder suspect charged after body of missing person discovered

Just two days after the body of Heather Treibly was found, 52-year-old Lake Worth resident Shane Breshers was arrested and charged with her murder. Treibly, a 43-year-old Azle resident, was reported missing by a concerned family member June 1. Treibly was last seen May 27 around 11 a.m. near the 100 block of Ty Lane in Azle. Her body was ultimately found in a nearby backyard. Preliminary investigations revealed the two may have been doing methamphetamines together when a dispute was sparked.

TxDOT proposes plans for new hospital off-ramp

After more than a decade, Azle residents can hope to soon drive a quicker route to Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle after the Texas Department of Transportation unveiled designs for a new exit ramp from state Highway 199. TxDOT officials met with the public June 4 at the Azle ISD administration building to discuss the construction of a northbound exit ramp from SH 199 between Denver Trail and Skylark Drive. The goal of the proposed project, according to TxDOT officials, is to provide immediate access to Texas Health Azle from the northbound lanes of SH 199.


On June 18, the City of Reno entered Stage 3 water usage restrictions due to critically low levels in its main water storage tanks. Mayor Hector Bas Jr. announced the new restrictions June 17, urging citizens to limit water use. Under Stage 3 guidelines, residents with even-numbered addresses can water lawns from 6-10 a.m. Mondays and those with odd-numbered addresses can water Thursdays. Washing vehicles, filling pools and watering paved areas were prohibited.


Young filmmaker Emma Sumlin shot her upcoming silent short film “Timeless” at her grandparents' home in Springtown. The 1940s love story follows Pearce and Marjorie, whose romance is interrupted by World War II. Inspired by classic films like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Sumlin hopes to evoke emotions and gratitude for family in her audience. The film, co-directed with Jonathan Collins, features Grace Adams as Marjorie and Jordan Pope as Pearce.

Next week, we’ll tell you about the biggest stories that occurred in the area from July through December, 2024. We’ll be hard at work bringing you all the news in your community in 2025, as well.